Building Brains Research Study

We are inviting you and your child to participate in an exciting local study! This project is conducted on behalf of the University of Lethbridge and the Building Brains Together Program, and is titled “The Impact of Bilingualism on Executive Function in Children Born Pre-Term and/or At Low Birthweight”.

By participating, you and your child will help us better understand the interaction between gestational age, language, and executive function. This study aims to improve the development of executive function in young children which includes their working memory, self-control and cognitive flexibility. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and all participant information will be kept confidential. This study is overseen by the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Lethbridge.

What are the steps to be involved in this study?  

STEP 1: Schedule a 1-hour session for your child to complete 10 different interactive and playful tasks/games known to measure and enhance executive function skills.  This will take place at Family Centre West. Please contact to schedule an appointment. 

STEP 2: Complete online consent form HERE.  If you are unable to complete the online consent form, a paper version can be provided at the appointment.

STEP 3: When we meet with you and your child, we will ask that you, the parent/caregiver, complete 7 different questionnaires twice over the next 6 months.

STEP 4: We will ask that you, the parent/caregiver, play our Building Brains curriculum games at home.

In appreciation for your participating, we will give you a complimentary Building Brains Game bag containing all the Building Brain curriculum game instructions and supplies.

For more information about this research study please contact us at or through the following form: