How to Build a Strong Brain

The construction of a house always begins with the laying of a foundation. Many will agree that this is the most important step because it supports the weight of the entire house. If the foundation of the house is weak then it will not be able to hold up to potential stresses such as rain, hail and in some cases earthquakes.

The same is true when building a strong brain. It all begins with the foundation. However, creating this firm foundation is something that children cannot do on their own. In order for this to occur they need to be engaged in healthy relationships with the adults in their lives. Through these relationships we can help children build a strong brain foundation from an early age by supporting them and participating in back and forth communication also known as serve and return. This will enable children to develop essential life skills allowing them to respond more appropriately to life’s situations both positive and negative.

In cases where children do not have the support that they need, negative experiences can damage the structures of their brain and in turn affect how they are able to handle future challenges. This is why it is so crucial that we do everything that we can to help children develop strong brain architecture.

Brain Builders Video


Brain Story Certification Course. Alberta Family Wellness Initiative. (n.d.).

The Brain Architects Podcast: Brain Architecture: Laying the Foundation. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2020, October 5).


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