Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of Building Brains Together. All donations will be tax receipted through the University of Lethbridge. In order to make a donation, please follow these steps and mark your gift “Building Brains Together”

  1. Click on the link below to access the University of Lethbridge GIving Portal.

  2. On the U of L website page, enter donation amount into the box that looks like this:

3. On the U of L website page, click on the button “View all giving opporutnities”.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the giving opporutnities list and click the “other” box then click on “Continue”.

5. Fill in your personal information and add “Gift for Building Brains Together” in the “Additional Comments” section at the bottom of the form.

6. Click on NEXT, complete payment information then submit.

Thank you very much for your generous support. We greatly appreciate your donation and will use it to further our research, resource creation, and community outreach. Please contact with any questions.