Protective Factors

We all want our families and children to have what they need to thrive.  How can we take advantage of our unique strengths as a parent and ensure we have the skills and supports we need so our child – and our family as a whole – is safe, secure and happy?

Centre for the Study of Social Policy - Strengthening Families has developed a “Protective Factors Framework”. There are five protective factors that help families succeed and thrive, even in the face of risk and challenges.  

1. Parent Resilience – Be strong even when you are stressed!

  • Resilience is the process of managing stress and functioning well even when things are difficult.

2. Social Connections – Get and give support!

  • Sometimes being a parent can be very stressful.  It’s easier to handle parenting challenges when we have positive relationships with family, friends and neighbors.  Having a network of caring people in our life helps us feel secure, confident and empowered – and this helps us become better parents.

 3. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development – Learn more so you can parent better!

  • There is no such thing as a perfect parent, but knowing what to expect does make the job a lot easier.

4. Concrete Support in Times of Need – Get help when you need it!

  • All families go through tough times.  However, knowing where to get help in the community can make things a lot easier.

5. Social & Emotional Competence – Help your child manage feelings and relationships!

  • Helping children develop social-emotional competence allows them to manage their emotions and build healthy relationships with their peers and adults.

Think about your own family and other families you know.  Some of these protective factors are probably strengths, and some you might need more assistance with at times.  That’s completely normal.

All families go through times when they need more support.  Some of us get that from extended families, faith communities or neighbours.  Others may relay more on formal programs.  Either way, being intentional about taking care of yourself and getting the help and information you need can help keep you and your family strong.

For more information on each of the about Protective Factors and practical “Tune-Up” tips visit HERE.



Importance of Positive Experiences


Building Core Capabilities