Raven and Thunder Omahkai’stoo ki Ksiistsikom
This month we are featuring traditional Blackfoot stories as told by Carl Brave Rock. This week we learn about the story of Raven and Thunder.
The Story of Napi
Carl Brave Rock shares with us the story of Napi - the Blackfoot Trickster God.
Play Therapy
“For children to “play out” their experiences and feelings is the most natural, dynamic, and self-healing process in which they can engage”
Gratitude’s Impact on Health
Much of our time and energy is spent pursuing things we currently don’t have. Gratitude reverses our priorities to help us appreciate the people and things that we do have.
Managing Big Feelings
When it comes to big emotions, teaching children a range of strong coping skills can help them with their overall wellbeing, increase their resilience, and help them deal with challenging life circumstances in healthy ways both now and in the future.
Making Indigenous Games
In this week’s Blog Post, Mary Ellen Little Mustache shares her experience of making traditional games in nature. “When we make traditional games, we are very conscious about the importance of each tree before harvesting it to make game equipment.”
The Power of Healthy Relationships
Find out about the power of healthy relationships in dealing with challenging behaviour in this week’s blog post.
Benefits of Community Involvement
Have you felt isolated from your community over the past 18 months? Read this week’s Blog Post to learn some of the benefits of community connectedness and how our free Family Outdoor play events will help facilitate connections this summer.
Social Customs and Spirituality of Indigenous Games
Beginning in early childhood and kindergarten, children are taught important social beliefs and attitudes that are reflected in how traditional games are learned and played.
Connectedness During COVID-19
Social connectedness has been and continues to be a key factor in promoting positive mental health and well-being. By promoting quality interactions with our children they will continue to feel valued, loved, and cared for and the connection will continue to grow.
How to Build a Strong Brain
The construction of a house always begins with the laying of a foundation. The same is true when building a strong brain.
Emotional Literacy
Is it true that happy people live longer? Read about emotional literacy and learn how it impacts our mental wellbeing and physical health.
Why Play Outside?!
Children’s time outside is diminishing as our society moves towards a more sedentary lifestyle. Take a look at six great reason to get outside and play.
Running Games
The “Run and Scream” is a Blackfoot game to develop and maintain endurance of running.
Indigenous Games
Traditionally, playing Indigenous games and activities were a daily occurrence and were embedded into a natural way of life. Today, we have a reclamation of the traditional Indigenous games and activities to embrace the cultural activities of our Indigenous forefathers of Southern Alberta.
Supportive Systems & Communities
“What’s wrong with you” needs to be removed - with the explanation of “what’s happened to you” .
The Resilience Scale
Resilience is defined by the interrelationship between our genes and life experiences. A lot can be done by parents, caregivers, teachers, and coaches, to positively influence and strengthen a child’s resiliency so that they are better equipped for success throughout their lifetime.
Serve and Return
Serve and return is a very easy concept to keep in the back of our minds as we engage with children and infants throughout our lifetimes.
Transgenerational Epigenetics
Experiences gone through by both a mother and father even before pregnancy, might also be playing a role in that child’s future development.