Bridging Play and Curriculum
Have you ever heard a child say, “Why do I need to learn this? I am never going to need it in real life.” This blog post offers some suggestions to foster enjoyable engagement and create a positive environment that promotes lifelong learning.
Piikani Sundance
Join Mary Ellen Little Mustache on an exciting day at Children’s Camp at Piikani Sundace.
Executive Function Basics Part 3:Practical Resiliency
This insightful blog post features Part 3 of Executive Function Basics: Practical Resilitency. “Instead of looking at resiliency as something we want to obtain to avoid difficult life challenges, it is about having the tools and supports to help us go through experiences and say- “wow, that was hard, but here’s what I can do to help myself moving forward.””
Indigenous Ball Games
Many of the games that are played today come from traditional Indigenous games. Games like soccer, basketball, shinney or hockey, and kickball (Little Mustache, 2023). Learn more in this week’s blog post.
Executive Function Basics: The Stress Response And Our Brain
A notable determinant of brain health and successful future learning is how children and youth perceive and cope with stressful experiences. This week’s blog looks at more executive function basis - the stress response and our brain.
Truth and Reconciliation
“I have had the honor to work with the Blackfoot people to learn about many customs, beliefs and Niitsitapi. It has brought me humbleness in my life in addition to a great joy to know many wonderful Blackfoot people. I feel the need to share with our community with encouragement for community members to engage with the First Nations people and begin the healing process for all (Celeste Halliwell).”
The Power of Play: Part 2
As a child grows their play will also grow and change but it will never lose its importance. Keep reading for some ideas on how to implement play in your elementary age children’s lives as well as with your adolescents.
Executive Function Basics: Creating Wellness Through Play
How do we connect Holistic wellness with building Executive Functions? Learn more in this blog post. Don’t miss part 2 of this post the first Thursday of October!
The Power of Play!
Is play really that important? Learn from this week’s blog about how play is a powerful tool in brain development and can begin the moment a child is born.
The Importance of ASQs to Child Development
Find out how the ASQ Questionnaires can help you learn more about how your child is developing and if they are on target with developmental milestones.
The Human-Animal Companionship Bond
This week’s blog post explores the benefits of the human-animal companionship bond.
Free Building Brains Courses
This week’s blog post provides a helpful overview of what Building Brains offers for growth and development in the area of brain science. Find out how simple games like Red Light Green Light can make a huge difference!
I read it online… should I believe it?
How can the scientific method be used in our online interactions? Find out more in this week’s Blog Post - I read it online… should I believe it? A review of how science works.
Earth Day -Ksaahkomm Ksiistsikó
William Singer ||| shares teachings from the land. “There are many things to talk about- Ksaahkomm Ksiistsikó, its Earth Day. Water is LIFE. It is how we are connected.” Learn more in this week’s Blog Post.
Word Learning Techniques
This blog post looks how children are able to unravel the confusion and make incredible progress as little language learners.
Music And The Brain
This Blog Post looks at the relationship between music and learning, memory, and emotions.
The Importance of Kindness
Every human being needs kindness in their lives. In this week’s Blog Post, read about the difference kindness can make in your life and others!
The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Individual Adult Relationships
This blog post looks at differnt ways childhood trauma can impact adult relationships.
Supporting Infant Brain Development
This blog looks at the many ways in which you, as a parent or caregiver, can promote the healthy brain development of an infant.