Brain Building Blogs

Double Ball Game
In the past, Double Ball was played only by women but has since expanded to be played by all groups. We thank Jason Plain Eagle for sharing his knowledge about this game.

Singing and Drumming
The drum is said to be the heartbeat of the Creator. The significance is that the drum is one instrument used in every social and ceremonial occasion for making music.

Sundance: Okaan (O-gaan)
The Sun Dance ceremony for the Northern Plains tribes has been considered to be the central ceremony that served as a unifying force to bring together the various hunting bands for the summer buffalo hunt.

Double Ball Game
Many Indigenous groups played Double Ball or Nobbies including the Cree, Blackfoot, Inuit, Assiniboine, and Skowkale. Learn from Jason Plain Eagle about the history and his current experiences playing Double Ball.

Piikani Sundance
Join Mary Ellen Little Mustache on an exciting day at Children’s Camp at Piikani Sundace.

Indigenous Ball Games
Many of the games that are played today come from traditional Indigenous games. Games like soccer, basketball, shinney or hockey, and kickball (Little Mustache, 2023). Learn more in this week’s blog post.

Truth and Reconciliation
“I have had the honor to work with the Blackfoot people to learn about many customs, beliefs and Niitsitapi. It has brought me humbleness in my life in addition to a great joy to know many wonderful Blackfoot people. I feel the need to share with our community with encouragement for community members to engage with the First Nations people and begin the healing process for all (Celeste Halliwell).”

Earth Day -Ksaahkomm Ksiistsikó
William Singer ||| shares teachings from the land. “There are many things to talk about- Ksaahkomm Ksiistsikó, its Earth Day. Water is LIFE. It is how we are connected.” Learn more in this week’s Blog Post.

Archery With Kevin Healy
In this Blog Post you will join Kevin Healy as he instructs his students in the traditional sport of Archery.

Traditional Land Based Teachings
William Singer lll shares traditional land based teachings with us in this week’s blog. We have so much to learn!

Niitsitapi Values
Blackfoot elders describe Niitsitapi values as those that make for a good life and an orderly life. Learn more about these important values in this week’s blog.

The Creator’s Game
In this week’s blog post Chad Chief Moon teaches us about the histroy and tradition behind the game of Lacrosse - also known as The Creator’s Game.

Maintaining Indigenous Parenting in a Modern World
“To understand traditional parenting of children, one must firstly understand the Blackfoot ways of knowing and how the indigenous people used to live together as a community of their tribes, their land and animals within the universe”.

Parenting from Western and Traditional Indigenous Perspectives
This week’s blog looks as some of the differences between western and traditional indigenous parenting practices.

Power of Storytelling
The benefits of storytelling as well as engaging in stories as an audience are numerous. Learn more about the power of storytelling in this week’s blog.
Oral Traditions and Storytelling of the Indigenous People
The Blackfoot are known as Niitsitapi, or the real people, who have woven oral story telling into every aspect of their culture. This week’s Blog looks at the oral traditions and story telling of Indigenous people.

Indigenous Practices for Wellness
The healthy and spiritual connections to the land, the water, the animals, and all within the universe are what heals and guides wellness for the indigenous people.