Brain Building Blogs
Loneliness and the Aging Brain
Loneliness can bring about adverse health outcomes for both your mind and body. To prevent these outcomes, this blog will focus on providing both an understanding of loneliness and helpful resources for those experiencing social isolation and the feeling of loneliness.
Brain Benefits of Mindful Moments
Have you ever felt overwhelmed in the middle of your day, had a hard time falling asleep, or experienced difficulty expressing your emotions? If so, you may benefit from learning about mindfulness and taking time for a mindful moment the next time you experience one of these common issues.
Sleep Hygiene
Sleep hygiene refers to strategies that can be used to improve your quality and/or quantity of sleep through changes in behaviour.
Sleep For All Ages
Can the time we spend not using our brains change how our brains work when we do? Learn more in “Sleep for all ages”.
Executive Functions And The Aging Brain
Strengthening of executive functions can be achieved through a multitude of pathways: exercise, sleep, nutrition, play, and interpersonal relationships all play a significant role in keeping the brain healthy, and executive functions in optimal conditions as we age.
Effects of Sleep and Nutrition on the Aging Brain
The contributions of proper sleep and nutrition on the aging brain are astoundingly positive.
Stress Effects on the Aging Brain
When a stressful situation occurs, the brain immediately responds.
Strengthening The Aging Brain
The processes of aging in the brain may result in the natural decline of many of the brains capacities. Fortunately, adopting certain behaviours may help improve cognitive function and healthy aging.
Easing the Post Holiday Blues
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, January can sometimes present quite a different feeling. There are a handful of things we can do to help address feeling a bit “blue”.
I read it online… should I believe it?
How can the scientific method be used in our online interactions? Find out more in this week’s Blog Post - I read it online… should I believe it? A review of how science works.
The Importance of Kindness
Every human being needs kindness in their lives. In this week’s Blog Post, read about the difference kindness can make in your life and others!
The Impact of a Sm:)e
Did you know that putting a smile on your face has direct benefits for yourself and everyone around you? Read today’s blog to find out more.
Gratitude’s Impact on Health
Much of our time and energy is spent pursuing things we currently don’t have. Gratitude reverses our priorities to help us appreciate the people and things that we do have.
Benefits of Community Involvement
Have you felt isolated from your community over the past 18 months? Read this week’s Blog Post to learn some of the benefits of community connectedness and how our free Family Outdoor play events will help facilitate connections this summer.
Transgenerational Epigenetics
Experiences gone through by both a mother and father even before pregnancy, might also be playing a role in that child’s future development.