Brain Building Blogs

What Happens When You “Flip Your Lid”?
Have you ever heard of the statement “flipping your lid”? Find out why this term is used and the brain science beind it.

Outdoor Play
This Blog explores the question, “Is outdoor play better?”. Learn about the benefits of outdoor play and ways you can engage in it locally.

Adolescent Play
Adolescence is a unique developmental period in the lifespan with tremendous opportunity to implement play to improve executive function. Find out more in this blog post!

Cognitive Load – The Spoon Analogy
Feeling burnt out from your day? You might not have enough spoons to spend on your daily tasks.

Sundance: Okaan (O-gaan)
The Sun Dance ceremony for the Northern Plains tribes has been considered to be the central ceremony that served as a unifying force to bring together the various hunting bands for the summer buffalo hunt.

Self-Regulation for all Abilities
Readers will build awareness of what self-regulatory behaviors are, influences that foster self-regulation, and learn practical strategies that support its development in individuals of all abilities.

Executive Functions And The Aging Brain
Strengthening of executive functions can be achieved through a multitude of pathways: exercise, sleep, nutrition, play, and interpersonal relationships all play a significant role in keeping the brain healthy, and executive functions in optimal conditions as we age.

Double Ball Game
Many Indigenous groups played Double Ball or Nobbies including the Cree, Blackfoot, Inuit, Assiniboine, and Skowkale. Learn from Jason Plain Eagle about the history and his current experiences playing Double Ball.

Egg-cellent Play!
This spring, if you’re looking at new ways to incorporate some play in your egg hunt check out these ideas!

Effects of Sleep and Nutrition on the Aging Brain
The contributions of proper sleep and nutrition on the aging brain are astoundingly positive.

Stress Effects on the Aging Brain
When a stressful situation occurs, the brain immediately responds.

Strengthening The Aging Brain
The processes of aging in the brain may result in the natural decline of many of the brains capacities. Fortunately, adopting certain behaviours may help improve cognitive function and healthy aging.

Reimagining Play Through An Inclusive Lens
As a society, our outlook on neurodiverse culture has begun to shift and we are observing more inclusive programing in both recreation and education. This Blog looks at how we can reimaine play through an inclusive lense.

Child Mouthing Decisions
This week’s blog looks at the topic of mouthing. When does this action start? And why do babies do this? Does mouthing indicate a problem? And does it ever stop?

Easing the Post Holiday Blues
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, January can sometimes present quite a different feeling. There are a handful of things we can do to help address feeling a bit “blue”.

Bridging Play and Curriculum
Have you ever heard a child say, “Why do I need to learn this? I am never going to need it in real life.” This blog post offers some suggestions to foster enjoyable engagement and create a positive environment that promotes lifelong learning.

Piikani Sundance
Join Mary Ellen Little Mustache on an exciting day at Children’s Camp at Piikani Sundace.

Executive Function Basics Part 3:Practical Resiliency
This insightful blog post features Part 3 of Executive Function Basics: Practical Resilitency. “Instead of looking at resiliency as something we want to obtain to avoid difficult life challenges, it is about having the tools and supports to help us go through experiences and say- “wow, that was hard, but here’s what I can do to help myself moving forward.””

Indigenous Ball Games
Many of the games that are played today come from traditional Indigenous games. Games like soccer, basketball, shinney or hockey, and kickball (Little Mustache, 2023). Learn more in this week’s blog post.