Brain Building Blogs
COVID-19 Parent Stress & Resilience Survey
The Covid-19 Parent Stress and Resilience Survey was assembled to learn about the experiences of parents and families in the Lethbridge area as they respond to the ongoing realities of Covid-19.
Importance of Positive Experiences
Children’s early experiences – the bonds they form with their parents and their first experiences – deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.
Protective Factors
We all want our families and children to have what they need to thrive. How can we take advantage of our unique strengths as a parent and ensure we have the skills and supports we need so our child – and our family as a whole – is safe, secure and happy?
Building Core Capabilities
Research shows that there is a set of underlying core capabilities that adults use in order to work and parent effectively.
Importance of Nurturing Relationships
Parents can sometimes underestimate their role in their child’s life, believing that children are only educated at school. It’s important for all parents to realize that they posses the key for healthy brain development.
Developing Resilience in Children
There are a number of findings about resilience that are important to remember as we seek to tip the scale in a more positive direction.
Parent Isolation Survey Results
We are excited to release the data we collected from over 450 parents regarding the effects of COVID-19 on their families.
Arts and Crafts
Crafts will entertain children for hours, and there are thousands of easy craft ideas online. However, they’re more than a fun activity; crafts have a plethora of benefits for children.
Play Check-In
We are excited about prioritizing safety while promoting healthy child brain development and confident parenting in the community.
Benefits of Music
Music is an important activity for young children; a simple song or dance can have far-reaching effects.
Shared Project
Collaborative play is one of the most important kinds of play for young children.
Yoga in the Park
This past week, we were thrilled to lead yoga in the park with a sizable group of children from the community. It was certainly a hit!
Stencil Games
Stencil Games provide endless opportunities for children to head outdoors, get active, and have hours of fun.
The Value of Pretend Play
Pretend Play is surprisingly simple! A stick, box, or magazine can become the centerpiece for a whole story.
BBT Games for Children 6 and Older
This week we are expanding our curriculum to include games for children older than 6 years!
New Infant and Toddler Games
We are excited to offer instructions for games that improve working memory, behavioral shift, cognitive flexibility, and many other important skills in infants/toddlers aged 0-2 years.
Only-Child Games
Without siblings to keep them entertained, only children may seek undivided attention from a parent. We’ve rounded up a collection of ideas for you to stay busy and have fun with your only child at home.
Gardening With Children
As spring blooms outside, it’s a perfect time to introduce your children to gardening and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.
Importance of Walking
Building Brains Together has developed a series of fun games and activities that are designed to be played while on a walk.